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Reduce the cost and risk of doing so

Business and technology relationships are getting more and more complex. Something most businesses already struggle to manage efficiently.

Our comprehensive outsourcing and third party management expertise can help you structure relationships so it’s easier for teams and partners to reduce risk and drive value in more proactive and affordable ways


Rapid assessment of situation, spending, risk and improvement opportunities on all sides of the capability or relationship


Leverage advanced diligence approaches that give a more telling understanding of opportunities, synergies and risks


Exploit comprehensive contracting and negotiation support to secure more proactive support over the term


Get experienced, logical, facilitative support to help resolve ongoing issues that are increasing risk and eroding value

Transitions & Exits

More efficiently manage business continuity and resilience risks when planning to make changes

Sourcing (or Sales)

Exploit efficient sourcing (or sales) processes to drive all sides to put their best foot forward and make the options clearer


Simplify and focus your monitoring of third party performance, compliance and risk throughout the lifecycle of the relationship

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